Leadville Cherokee

Leadville Cherokee

Leadville Cherokee is a rock band from Colorado that mixes the elements of rock, bluegrass, country, and funk with pure energy. The band counts Ween, Paul Cauthen, The Steeldrivers, and Bill Withers as guiding influences.


Leadville Cherokee was formed in 2009 by guitarist Mark Nierneberger and Pete Albrect, adding Brian Carter on bass and Zack Kochetta on drums along the way. The band has been active in the high country of colorado, typically playing whitewater festivals such as Royal Gorge Whitewater Festival, Paddlefest, and headlining FIBArk in 2021. The band has also played many closing days at ski resorts such as Copper Mountain, playing their music festival Sunsation in 2015.


The band released the album “How to Build a Fire” in 2015, with a music review by Brian Rill of Colorado Central Magazine writing “Leadville Cherokee’s style of rock is immensely polished… an array of genres”.


The band is currently working on their next album and looking forward to playing full time again.
